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Text File | 1999-01-03 | 72.8 KB | 1,603 lines |
- Interrupt List Release 60 Last change 03jan99
- Copyright (c) 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 Ralf Brown
- --------!---FILELIST-------------------------
- Please redistribute the following files unmodified as a group, in a quartet of
- archives named INTER60A through INTER60D (preferably the original authenticated
- PKZIP archives):
- INTERRUP.1ST this file
- INTERRUP.A INT 00 through INT 10/BE \
- INTERRUP.B INT 10/BF through INT 15/0F\
- INTERRUP.C INT 15/10 through INT 15/E7 \
- INTERRUP.D INT 15/E8 through INT 1A/B0 \
- INTERRUP.E INT 1A/B1 through INT 1F \ total 2459 pages at
- INTERRUP.F INT 20 through INT 21/43 \ 60 lines per page,
- INTERRUP.G INT 21/44 through INT 21/5E \ 2615 with INTPRINT -p
- INTERRUP.H INT 21/5F through INT 21/E2 >(8653 entries)
- INTERRUP.I INT 21/E3 through INT 21/F1 / (4081 tables)
- INTERRUP.J INT 21/F2 through INT 25 /
- INTERRUP.K INT 26 through INT 2F/16 /
- INTERRUP.L INT 2F/17 through INT 2F/AC /
- INTERRUP.M INT 2F/AD through INT 30 /
- INTERRUP.N INT 31 through INT 5F /
- INTERRUP.O INT 60 through INT 61 /
- INTERRUP.P INT 62 through INT 6A /
- INTERRUP.Q INT 6B through INT 91 /
- INTERRUP.R INT 92 through INT FF /
- INTERRUP.PRI a brief primer on interrupts
- INTPRINT.COM a simple formatter that also generates a list summary
- INTPRINT.DOC instructions for INTPRINT
- OVERVIEW.LST brief listing of major uses of each interrupt
- 86BUGS.LST a listing of CPU bugs and undocumented features
- BIBLIO.LST bibliography of information sources for the list
- CMOS.LST a description of the CMOS RAM data bytes
- FARCALL.LST APIs available through FAR CALLs
- GLOSSARY.LST a glossary of terms, abbreviations, and acronyms
- MEMORY.LST format of the BIOS data area and other memory regions
- MSR.LST a listing of Model-Specific Registers
- OPCODES.LST a listing of recent and undocumented CPU instructions
- PORTS.LST a listing of I/O ports
- CATEGORY.KEY descriptions of divider-line category letters
- COMBINE.COM combine the pieces of the list into a single file
- COMBINE.DOC documentation for COMBINE
- The following files should be distributed in an archive called INTER60E:
- 86BUGSnn.ZIP programs to test for CPU bugs
- COMBINE.ASM source code for COMBINE.COM
- INT.* invoke interrupts from commandline
- INTHLP??.ZIP Interrupt Helper viewer for the interrupt list
- INTLIST.E Epsilon extension for handling list
- INTPRINT.C source code for INTPRINT
- INTSUM??.ZIP interrupt list browser (Interrupt Summary)
- IVIEW.ZIP another interrupt list browser
- VIEWINTL.ZIP list viewer by Sly Golovanov
- The following should be distributed in an archive called INTER60F:
- INT2RTF.ZIP Slava Gostrenko's Windows Help converter
- INT2WHLP.ZIP convert list into Windows Help database
- HINTSRCH.ZIP WinHelp DLL for full-text searches of interrupt list
- WH_ED*.ZIP WinHelp-file editor
- Finally, the following should be distributed in an archive called INTER60G:
- IL2ME???.ZIP convert list into Multi-Edit help database
- INT2GUID.* convert list into TurboPower GUIDE or POPHELP database
- INT2HLP.ZIP convert list into QuickHelp database
- INT2QH.* program to convert list into QuickHelp database
- INT2TPH.ZIP convert to Turbo/Borland Pascal help file (.TPH)
- INTHELP.* convert list into TurboPower GUIDE database
- RB2NG???.ZIP convert list into Norton Guides database
- Concatenate INTERRUP.A, .B, ... with COMBINE.COM to create an interrupt
- list file identical to my master copy.
- Use INTPRINT to generate a one-line-per-call summary file and/or a file
- containing only data structure formats. See INTPRINT.DOC for details.
- Note: in addition to the archives mentioned above, you may also find other
- archives named INTERrrx containing additional files generated from the
- original distribution for your convenience. These other archives are
- maintained by other people, so please do not ask me any questions about them
- (all I'll do is refer you to the creator). The additional distributions
- I am currently aware of contain a ready-made Quick Help database (compiled
- by Brad Willcott <b-willcott@adfa.oz.au>), a ready-made Norton Guides
- database (compiled by Michael Gallias <gallias@iaccess.za> and distributed
- as RBNGrr.*), and a ready-made WinHelp database (compiled by Ron Loewy
- <76350.333@compuserve.com> and occasionally distributed as INTWIN*.*).
- --------!---COPYRIGHT------------------------
- (c) Copyright 1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999 Ralf Brown
- Permission is granted to use and redistribute the files comprising the
- interrupt listing in any way (including conversion to another format),
- provided that my name and addresses and the names of all contributers
- are preserved, as well as the information on how to obtain new releases.
- The above requirement to give credit is waived for excerpts totaling
- less than 2000 lines (although common courtesy indicates that you
- should give some form of acknowledgment).
- Some of the archives in the distribution contains programs contributed
- by others; these programs are included as a service to users of the
- interrupt list and the authors retain the rights to their programs.
- Please send corrections/additions to the interrupt list me rather than
- distributing a modified version of the list, so that all may benefit from
- your contribution. Corrections to programs contributed by others should
- be sent directly to their authors.
- Beiträge werden auch gerne in Deutsch angenommen!
- --------!---DISCLAIMER-----------------------
- contained in this list to the best of my ability, but I cannot be held
- responsible for any problems caused by use or misuse of the information,
- especially for those functions not officially documented. If it is marked
- "internal" or undocumented, you should check it carefully to make sure it
- works the same way in your version of the software (and please let me know
- whether or not it works the same way). Information marked with "???" is
- known to be incomplete or guesswork.
- --------!---AVAILABILITY---------------------
- If the list is three or more months old by the time you get it, there
- is probably a newer release out already (R56 is planned for mid-December,
- R57 for early March 1998). Each release supersedes all previous versions, so
- there is no need to keep old versions.
- The newest release of this list is available in these places (please do not
- ask me to email it, at over two megs compressed it is much too large for that):
- On the Internet, by standard anonymous FTP from FTP.CS.CMU.EDU [].
- Change directly to directory /afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/ralf/pub and get the
- files inter??a.zip thru inter??g.zip. You MUST change directory first
- and in a single command because of the way CMU's anonymous FTP works.
- Don't forget to set mode "binary" or "type L 8"!
- If connected to AFS, you can simply perform standard Unix/VMS/whatever
- directory listing and file copies from the above directory.
- On the World-Wide Web, from http://www.pobox.com/~ralf/files.html
- On FIDOnet, from SoundingBoard BBS 1:129/26 1-412-621-4604 HST/V.32/V.34
- as files INTERrrA.ZIP to INTERrrF.ZIP (rr stands for the release
- number), in file area #8. First-time callers may download.
- File Requests.
- Alternate Distribution Points (the list will typically be available here
- within 24 hours of release):
- Internet: on the SimTel.Net mirrors as files interRRa.zip to
- interRRg.ZIP in directory /pub/msdos/info, where RR stands for the
- release number. Note that you must use a binary transfer mode
- ("tenex" or "type L 8" for most people) to successfully FTP the files.
- The SimTel.Net mirrors include oak.oakland.edu [],
- wuarchive.wustl.edu [], ftp.uu.net [],
- nic.funet.fi [], src.doc.ic.ac.uk [], and
- archie.au [].
- Additional Distribution Points:
- BITnet: you may retrieve the copy on SimTel via the following automated mail
- servers:
- (in Europe) TRICKLE@AWIWUW11 (Austria)
- TRICKLE@BANUFS11 (Belgium)
- TRICKLE@DKTC11 (Denmark)
- TRICKLE@FRMOP11 (France)
- TRICKLE@HEARN (Netherlands)
- TRICKLE@EB0UB011 (Spain)
- (elsewhere) TRICKLE@UNALCOL (Colombia)
- FIDO: boards belonging to the PDN (Programmer's Distribution Network) system
- Madrid, Spain: 2:341/70 (93:341/110), +34-1-378 01 27. 24 hours.
- 28800 V.FC/V.34. File requests from all nodes, including unlisted
- points (magic filename INTER for newest release).
- CompuServe: in the IBM Programming Forum (GO IBMPRO), Library 6, as INTrrA.*,
- INTrrB.*, INTrrC.*, INTrrD.*, INTrrE.*, INTrrF.*, and INTrrG.*.
- --------!---ABBREVIATIONS--------------------
- Key to system abbreviations
- (unless otherwise indicated, a function is available on all systems)
- PORT IBM PC Portable (uses same BIOS as XT)
- Jr IBM PCjr
- XT286 IBM PC XT/286
- CONV IBM Convertible
- PS IBM PS/2, any model
- PS30 IBM PS/2 Model 30 and below
- PS50+ IBM PS/2 Models 50,60,70,80
- CDP Compaq Deskpro
- CLTE Compaq LTE
- CP386 Compaq Portable 386
- CSLT Compaq SLT
- CSYS Compaq Systempro
- CGA Color Graphics Adapter
- EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter
- VGA Video Graphics Array
- MCGA Multi-Color Graphics Array
- TopView TopView/DESQview/TaskView/OmniView/other compatibles
- ConcCP/M Concurrent CP/M by Digital Research, now DR MultiUser DOS
- --------!---CREDITS--------------------------
- This list is the result of the time and effort of a large number of people:
- 1/85 Janet Jack (original list)
- 1/85 J. Weaver Jr.
- 2/85 John Cooper
- 2/85 Skip Gilbrech
- Bob Jack
- 4/85 Jim Kyle 76703.762@compuserve.com
- 8/85 John Ruschmeyer moncol!john@princeton.edu
- 8/85 Bill Frolik bill@hpcvlx.cv.hp.com
- 8/85 Ross M. Greenberg 72461.3212@compuserve.com
- 87 Mike Morearty mikemo@microsoft.com \ early 1987
- Ed Nather nather@emx.utexas.edu > several undocumented DOS
- Peter Holzmann pete@octopus.com / calls in another list
- 87 Dan Lanciani ddl@harvard.harvard.edu various, incl. NetBIOS
- 7/87 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com INT 24h and DOS func 59h
- 10/87 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com become list maintainer
- 11/87 Dan Davison dd@lanl.gov DOS 3.3 function calls
- 11/87 Bill White wwhite@jeeves.teknowledge.com DOS 3.3
- 11/87 Richard Hargrove harvard!killer!richardh EGA
- 12/87 Vincent Broman broman@bugs.nosc.mil Cordata BIOS/Minix
- 12/87 Dennis Grinberg dennis+@cs.cmu.edu MCGA/VGA
- 1/88 Brad Davis bradd@gssc.gss.com GSS, DGIS
- 2/88 Diomidis Spinellis dds@doc.ic.ac.uk Herc GRAFIX Dev Toolkit
- 3/88 Michael A. Moran Michael@cup.portal.com VGA INT 10h
- 3/88 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com DESQview API
- 4/88 Richard Marks rmarks@KSP.Unisys.COM undoc dir search fields
- 5/88 Robert Goldsmith rpg@mitre.org AT&T DEB adapter
- 7/88 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com Paradise VGA
- 8/88 John Lefor johnlef@microsoft.com XMS spec
- 9/88 Dan Lanciani ddl@harvard.harvard.edu miscellaneous
- 9/88 Howard Johnson Howard_Reed_Johnson@cup.portal.com NetWare overview
- 9/88 Finn Thoegerson via jesperf@daimi.aau.dk 10-NET, miscellaneous
- 9/88 Michael Shiels mshiels@watmath.waterloo.edu FOSSIL spec
- 9/88 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com Microsoft CD-ROM API
- 10/88 Michael Shiels mshiels@ziebmef.uucp ATI VIP INT 10h
- BMB Compuscience Canada Ltd.
- 10/88 Michael Shiels mshiels@ziebmef.uucp FTP Driver spec
- 10/88 Helmut Waelder ZRWA001@DTUZDV1.BITNET data structures, misc
- 10/88 Helmut Waelder ZRWA001@DTUZDV1.BITNET more 10-NET functions
- 10/88 Ge van Geldorp ge@dutlru2.tudelft.nl Novell NetWare
- 10/88 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com INT 2F/AH=12h
- 11/88 Clarence A Dold dold@tsmiti.Convergent.COM Compaq386 speed settings
- 11/88 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com TesSeRact API
- 12/88 Ying-Kuen K. Hwang khwang@wyse.com ESDI fixed disk calls
- 1/89 Ari Huttunen Ari.Huttunen@hut.fi additional INT 33 calls
- 1/89 Duncan Murdoch D.J.Murdoch@bristol.ac.uk undoc fields in DOS data
- 2/89 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com VCPI API
- 3/89 Helmut Waelder ZRWA001@DTUZDV1.BITNET more DOS 4.0 calls
- 4/89 Robert Seals rds95@leah.Albany.EDU ATI VGA Wonder modes
- 4/89 Ge van Geldorp ge@dutlru2.tudelft.nl pcANYWHERE III API
- 4/89 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk undoc DOS 4 data struc
- 4/89 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk DOS 4.0 shell API
- 4/89 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com DCA/Intel CAS API
- 4/89 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com Intel Image Proc Interf
- 5/89 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk multiplex int calls
- 6/89 Peter Sawatzki IN307@DHAFEU11.BITNET Video7 extended INT 10
- 7/89 Wes Cowley 71441.3154@compuserve.com SHARE.EXE hooks
- 9/89 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk more DOS 4 data struc
- 9/89 Stuart R. Kemp cpsrk@marlin.jcu.edu.au Halo88
- 9/89 Urs Zurbuchen zu@bernina.ethz.ch Btrieve API
- 9/89 Dan Lanciani ddl@husc6.harvard.edu Z100, Taxan video BIOS
- 9/89 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk more DOS 4 data struc
- 10/89 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk DOS 3.0 data struc
- 10/89 John DesRosiers via Marc Bertrand 1:167/1 Ontrack INT 13 extensions
- 11/89 Ge van Geldorp ge@dutlru2.tudelft.nl master boot record
- 11/89 Barry Burke bburke@banyan.com Banyan VINES
- 11/89 Christian Franke franke@informatik.rwth-aachen.de ATI EGA Wonder, WP5.0
- 1/90 Norman Walsh NORM@IONAACAD.BITNET Inset API
- 1/90 Andrew Schulman 76320.302@CompuServe.COM Phar Lap 386/DOS extender
- 1/90 Dan Prather 72765.1330@CompuServe.COM IBM 3270 Workst Prog API
- 3/90 Roger Bowler rbowler@cix Fido 2:252/10 IBM 3270, Amstrad PC1512
- 3/90 Mike Baszczak SQL Base
- 4/90 Rick Wagner rick@always.com PC Network RECEIVER.COM
- 4/90 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com more DOS 3.3 internals
- 5/90 Mike Weaver 1:264/610 DESQview XDI
- 6/90 Les Moskowitz 1:261/1008 APL*PLUS/PC
- 6/90 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com more DOS 4.0 internals
- 6/90 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk BIOS data segment format
- 7/90 Andrew Schulman 76320.302@CompuServe.COM MSWindows INT 2F/AH=16h
- 7/90 Ben Myers 0003571400@mcimail.com Tseng ET4000, misc
- 7/90 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com DPMI 0.9 API
- 8/90 G. Adam Stanislav 1:129/39 AVATAR.SYS
- 8/90 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk more DOS internals
- 8/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Quarterdeck INT 2F/AH=D2h
- 8/90 Michel Mathieu mjm@bmbcomp.uucp Logitech INT 33
- 8/90 Cornel Kaufmann coka@bernina.ethz.ch Novell Netware shell 3.01
- 9/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp IBM/Yale & 3com INT 14
- 9/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp INT 6B, Starlan INT 2A/5B
- 9/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp DECnet INT 69/INT 6A
- 9/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Topware NOS, Win3 EGA.SYS
- 9/90 David Maxey dmaxey@lotus.com misc undoc DOS
- 9/90 Roger Bowler rbowler@cix.compulink.co.uk Attachmate Extra API
- 9/90 Ben Myers 0003571400@mcimail.com FRIEZE API
- 9/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp VDS, Sangoma, misc
- 9/90 Rob Luursema robl@idca.tds.philips.nl EISA BIOS calls
- 10/90 Stephen Bean 70575.406@compuserve.com more DECnet INT 69/INT 6A
- 10/90 Maxime Dallaire 1:167/163 Carbon Copy Plus 5.0 API
- 11/90 Dan Fandrich shad04@ccu.umanitoba.ca SCSI calls
- 1:153/511.1
- 11/90 Ben Myers 0003571400@mcimail.com Everex Viewpoint VGA
- 11/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp AppleTalk/IBM802.2 INT 5C
- 11/90 Mark Livingstone markl@csource.oz.au TVGA video modes
- 11/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp LPTx, X00 calls
- 12/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Compaq BIOS, Ad Lib
- 12/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp PCSpool,Disk Spool II
- 12/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp OmniView, misc
- 12/90 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Cswitch, HIGHUMM.SYS,misc
- 1/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Back&Forth 1.62,DoubleDOS
- 1/91 Bernd Schemmer (Dortmund, Germany) MDEBUG API
- 1/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp more AppleTalk, misc
- 1/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp DPMI 1.0 func names
- 2/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp miscellaneous
- 3/91 Jan-Pascal van Best BEST@rulwinwst.LeidenUniv.nl NetWare IPX/SPX INT 7A
- 3/91 Jeroen Pluimers jeroenp@dragons.nest.nl TBSCANX
- 3/91 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com PC Tools API
- 4/91 David H. Bennett 74635.1671@compuserve.com ELRES API
- 4/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Interconnections Inc. TES
- 4/91 Manfred Young fyoung @ BIX DOS, LANstep, misc
- 4/91 Fridrik Skulason frisk@complex.is virus installation checks
- 4/91 Joseph G. Souza 1:322/327 Alloy ANSK, NTNX, MW386
- 4/91 Frank Gladu Alloy ANSK, NTNX, MW386
- 4/91 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 Win3 DOSX, Soundblaster
- 4/91 Michael D Shride 74010.3214@compuserve.com UltraVision
- 4/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp DR MultiUser DOS 5.0
- 5/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Northnet Jetstream, misc
- 5/91 Duncan Murdoch D.J.Murdoch@bristol.ac.uk New Executable header
- 5/91 Andrew Schulman 76320.302@CompuServe.COM SMARTDRV.SYS
- 5/91 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 RESPLAY
- 5/91 Michael A Shiels mas@bmbcomp.uucp LAN Manager DOS,INT 24
- 6/91 Herwig Feichtinger Feichtinger@shamrock.de Shamrock EMAIL, NET.24
- 6/91 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk DOS 5.0 internals
- 6/91 Todor Todorov 2:359/105 misc DOS-related
- 6/91 Ross Wentworth 1:102/330.2 Turbo Pascal popup lib
- 6/91 Everett Kaser everett%hpcvra@hplabs.hp.com HP 95LX
- 7/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Digiboard DigiCHANNEL
- 7/91 Rickard Faith faith@cs.unc.edu Stacker
- 7/91 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch Norton Utilities 5.0
- 8/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp NPC NCSI, KBUF, Telebit
- 9/91 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com QEMM API
- 9/91 Holger Veit veit@du9ds3.uni-duisburg.de Optima 1024 VGA zoom
- 9/91 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com Rabbit LLAPI
- 10/91 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp FTP Packet Driver 1.10
- 10/91 Marcus Groeber 2:241/5609.1 DR DOS
- 11/91 Fridrik Skulason frisk@complex.is more virus install checks
- 11/91 Christopher J Ambler cambler@cymbal.aix.calpoly.edu FSBBS 2.0
- 12/91 Robin Walker rdhw@cus.cam.ac.uk new PS/2 keyboard funcs
- 1/92 Krzysztof Halasa khc@inf.pm.waw.pl EMM386 executable header
- 1/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp pcAnywhere IV/LAN, misc
- 1/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp ISOLAN Multi-Protoc Sftwr
- 1/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp PCW Weather Card, FaxBIOS
- 1/92 Jan-Pieter Cornet john@pc.hacktic.nl DR-DOS CDS & misc
- 1/92 Frank Vorstenbosch akcs.kingswood@hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com Kingswood TSR API
- 1/92 Jacob Rieper 73377.1220@compuserve.com DR-DOS 6.0 TaskMAX
- 1/92 Fridrik Skulason frisk@complex.is more viruses, std names
- 1/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Microsoft EMM386.EXE
- 1/92 Alexi Lookin alexi@riaph.irkutsk.su NetWare TBMI 2.0
- 1/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com more QEMM API
- 1/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com more PS/x model IDs
- 1/92 Kevin Gillett 1:153/101 SOLLEX SuperVGA extnsions
- 1/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp B.Antoine ST-01 SCSI.SYS
- 1/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp ASPI,ASPITAPE,Canon SI3
- 1/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Win3 INT 2F/40, misc
- 2/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp miscellany
- 2/92 Dan Bodoh danb@bunt.sps.mot.com DVSIXDI
- 2/92 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com more Btrieve API
- 2/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com TKERNEL private API
- 2/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com PC Paint Plus 2.0
- 2/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 Windows3 VTD.386, misc
- 3/92 Frank Vorstenbosch akcs.kingswood@hpcvbbs.cv.hp.com more Kingswood API
- 3/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp MBBIOS
- 3/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com DPMILOAD API
- 3/92 Joseph Gil yogi@cs.technion.ac.il HP 95LX
- 3/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com 386MAX 6.0 API
- 3/92 Fyodor Evseev Ted@ppicnit.perm.su AutoCAD Digitizer ADI
- 3/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Advanced Power Management
- 4/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 PGS1600.DEV
- 4/92 Andrew Rossmann andyross@infopls.chi.il.us SMARTDRV v4.00, QEMM
- 4/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 METZTSR.COM
- 4/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 Vanderaart txtwin,DR MDOS
- 4/92 Dan Bodoh danb@bunt.sps.mot.com DESQview/X .DVP file
- 5/92 William Peavy 70042.2310@CompuServe.COM Borland FP shortcuts
- 5/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com FGDRIVER v1.10
- 5/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Vedit VSWAP, NG.EXE
- 6/92 Dan Fandrich shad04@ccu.umanitoba.ca BitFax scheduler
- 6/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 more New EXE, AD-DOS.COM
- 6/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com LANtastic v4.1
- 6/92 Francis Turner FTURNER@madge.MHS.CompuServe.COM AX (Japanese AT) calls
- 6/92 John Fa'atuai frotz@novell.com DR Multiuser DOS
- 6/92 Andy Hakim cosc16to@menudo.uh.edu Smooth Mouse Driver
- 7/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp License Server API,misc
- 7/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Novell Netware shell
- 7/92 Carlos M. de Sousa Antunes L31546@beta.ist.pt MS Mouse driver
- 7/92 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com DESQview/X socket API
- 8/92 Jacob Rieper 73377.1220@compuserve.com SETDRVER, more DR-DOS
- 8/92 Richard A Plinston Auckland, New Zealand Europ.DOS4.0,DR DOS Plus
- 8/92 Richard A Plinston Auckland, New Zealand Acorn BBC Master 512
- 8/92 Serge Pachkovsky ps@comcen.nsk.su PC-MOS/386 v3.0
- 8/92 Aki Korhonen aki@holonet.net Seagate disk BIOS
- 8/92 Chris Hall CAH17@phx.cam.ac.uk misc
- 8/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp MTEZ XpressFax
- 8/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 Control Hostess i/ISA
- 8/92 Patrick Ibbetson ibbetson@nes.nersc.gov NEL Electronics BIOS
- 9/92 Patrick Ibbetson ibbetson@nes.nersc.gov SCREENR, Cirrus chipsets
- 9/92 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 FlashTek X-32VM
- 9/92 Ben Myers 0003571400@mcimail.com more NCR 77C22 chip modes
- 9/92 Dan Fandrich shad04@ccu.umanitoba.ca more Future Domain SCSI
- 9/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp PC/TCP syscall names
- 9/92 A. Peter Blicher Oakland, CA Genoa Super EGA
- 9/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com misc
- 9/92 Riku Meskanen riku@tuura.icl.fi ArtiCom
- 10/92 Jack Ridgway 1:3632/4.13 VMiX API
- 10/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com misc
- 10/92 Alexi Lookin alexi@riaph.irkutsk.su more NetWare, VIDRAM
- 10/92 Harry Sumar ptsoft@glas.apc.org Linear Executable
- 10/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com XGA
- 11/92 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Columbia Data Prod SDLP
- 12/92 Igor Sysoev sysoev@gate.dialnet.msk.su HIMEM.SYS v2.77
- 12/92 Aaron Emigh aaron@iit.com After Dark API correctns
- 12/92 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com SilverNET,DECnet,NetWare4
- 12/92 Bent Lynggaard lynggaard@risoe.dk misc video
- 12/92 Kyle Rogers 70650.3316@compuserve.com DOS LAN Requester
- 12/92 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com WD90C video chipset
- 1/93 Frank Klemm pfk@rz.uni-jena.de Diamond Speedstar 24X
- 2/93 Geoff Chappell cix.compulink.co.uk!geoffc var. undoc DOS behavior
- 2/93 Dr. David Bailey Salford, England DBOS API
- 2/93 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com more Novell LSL API
- 3/93 Rainer Schuetze 2:2402/330 dLite API
- 3/93 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp LAN Manager Enhanced DOS
- 3/93 A Padgett Peterson padgett%tccslr.dnet@uvs1.orl.mmc.com ROM debugger
- 3/93 Ian Oliver cross@cix.compulink.co.uk SCSILink API
- 3/93 Richard Talon 71005.1523@CompuServe.COM XVIEW hypertext viewer
- 3/93 Tamura Jones 2:512/36.7 IBMSND driver
- 3/93 Grant Echols 76247.2232@CompuServe.COM undoc Novell NetWare
- 3/93 George L. Fulk fulkgl@austin.ibm.com OS/2 2.x VDMs, FAPI
- 3/93 Andrew Schulman 76320.302@CompuServe.COM Novell DPMS
- 3/93 Dan Fandrich ubc-cs!merlin!fch!dan more Future Domain SCSI
- 3/93 Konstantin Kisurin kkk@toi.kiev.ua more 386MAX
- 4/93 Arne Schaepers DR-DOS details
- 4/93 Geoff Chappell cix.compulink.co.uk!geoffc DOS4 ExtAttrib support
- 4/93 Morten Welinder terra@diku.dk miscellaneous
- 4/93 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com PS/2 INT 15,INT 16
- 4/93 Xavier Caballe xcaballe@servicom.es TFPCX driver interface
- 4/93 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp more OS/2 Family API
- 4/93 Chris Dunford 76703.2002@compuserve.com Cove Software programs
- 5/93 Dmitry Stefankov wizard@npi.msu.su more DOS 3 SDA fields
- 5/93 Stephan Wolf swolf@skd.de SK-UPPS DLI API
- 5/93 Dmitry Stefankov wizard@npi.msu.su Soft-ICE v2.5x
- 5/93 Mikael Rydberg Sweden Cirrus/UM587/etc vidmodes
- 5/93 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp more BAPI,Frieze,ANSIPLUS
- 5/93 Steve Bromwich cs9h1ssb@pyramid.swansea.ac.uk MediaVision MVSOUND.SYS
- 6/93 Roeland Jansen 2:512/153.1 more PC-MOS/386 API
- 6/93 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com FAST! v5 API
- 6/93 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com CEMM v5.10,v5.11
- 6/93 Jens Vollmar Erlangen, Germany Trident/C&T video, misc
- 6/93 Victor Forsyuk forth@samsoby.cs.kiev.ua MX5 Extended FOSSIL
- 6/93 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp Blank-It, TSRCOMM
- 6/93 Michael A Shiels mshiels@masnet.uucp VxD, Al William's WINX
- 6/93 Mark Aitchison PHYS169@csc.canterbury.ac.nz ScanBoot, partition types
- 6/93 Warner Young Net-Source, Santa Clara, CA SilverNET, misc DOS int.
- 7/93 Wim Osterholt 2:512/56 PORTS.LST
- 7/93 Aki Korhonen aki@holonet.net Cirrus Logic BIOS
- 7/93 Alexi Lookin alexi@riaph.irkutsk.su Realtek RTVGA
- 7/93 Alexi Lookin alexi@riaph.irkutsk.su Phar Lap .EXP headers
- 7/93 Jean-Francois Larvoire larvoire@hp6300.desk.hp.com HP HIL Vectra BIOS
- 7/93 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com 386MAX v7.00/QEMM v7.01
- 7/93 Joe Souza Webcorp, Sausalito, CA WEB API
- 7/93 Michael Hung mhkhung@electrical.watstar.uwaterloo.edu PharLap 386/DOSX
- 8/93 John Howells 100031.353@compuserve.com EMS,XMS,VCPI,DPMI bugs
- 8/93 Tim Farley tim@magee.mhs.compuserve.com PCMCIA Socket Services
- 8/93 Dan Bodoh danb@bunt.sps.mot.com DESQview internal data
- 9/93 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com Diamond Stealth 24X
- 9/93 Frank Vorstenbosch prompt@hacktic.nl more Kingswood API, misc
- 9/93 Phil Rea PhilRea@sound.demon.co.uk TopWare Network OS
- 9/93 Andreas Westfeld westfeld@freia.inf.tu-dresden.de Olivetti Quaderno
- 9/93 Alexi Lookin alexi@riaph.irkutsk.su Avance Logic, C&T video
- 9/93 Inbar Raz 2:403:302.42 Juko UNIQUE UX, misc
- 9/93 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com Phar Lap 386|DOS-Ext.
- 10/93 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com Compaq ROMs
- 10/93 Paolo Borsalino 100042.1206@CompuServe.COM VSAFE
- 10/93 Marco Savegnago MC2365@mclink.it MBBIOS updates, G8BPQ
- 11/93 Wim Osterholt 2:512/56 Cirrus Logic BIOS 3.02
- 11/93 Dmitry S. Kohmanyuk dk@farm.cs.kiev.ua CS_TSR specification
- 12/93 Alex Novgorodcev san@riaph.irkutsk.su AutoCAD Dev Interface
- 12/93 Christian Kaiser 100065.2574@compuserve.com Windows debugging kernel
- 12/93 Colin Buckley colin.buckley@CANREM.COM UNCHAIN
- 12/93 Jeffrey L. Hayes tvdog@delphi.com Tandy BIOS calls
- 12/93 Finn Thoegersen via jesperf@daimi.aau.dk VESA XGA BIOS Extensions
- 1/94 David A. Mair 100137.264@COMPUSERVE.COM NASI INT 6B calls
- 1/94 Bill Hawkins 73650.167@compuserve.com Adv. Par. Port DAISY.SYS
- 1/94 Inbar Raz 2:403:302.42 VGARAM,HelpTSR,Lightning
- 1/94 James E Beersman jeb962t@nic.smsu.edu HP and Compaq info
- 2/94 Peter van den Boogert P.C.vdnBoogert@kub.nl ZFAX v2.x, v3.01
- 2/94 Jesper Rene Frandsen jesperf@daimi.aau.dk VESA XGA BIOS,misc video
- 2/94 Jesper Rene Frandsen jesperf@daimi.aau.dk Husky Hunter 16 BIOS
- 2/94 Ciriaco Garcia de Celis ciri@luna.gui.uva.es CiriSoft, 2M
- 2/94 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch Norton Utils v7, misc
- 2/94 Menno Pieters aj132@freenet.hsc.colorado.edu DimVGA
- 3/94 Markus Lomb Markus_Lomb@confusion.fido.de bitFOSS,bitFOSSI,WDTSR
- 3/94 taQ Okazaki CXB00750@niftyserve.or.jp Windows Global EMM Import
- 3/94 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch PCMCIA, Award PCDISK.EXE
- 3/94 Clinton Warren CIW@MACOLA.usa.com Novell XQL
- 3/94 Reidar Gresseth gresseth@unixg.ubc.ca Explosiv API
- 4/94 Uwe Zimmermann u.zimmermann@genie.geis.com Adv.Power Management v1.1
- 4/94 Thomas Brugger fd1@aixfile1.urz.uni-heidelberg.de NetWare VLMs & more
- 5/94 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch Toshiba laptops,misc
- 5/94 Jan Beulich Jan_Beulich@Novell.COM DPMS v1.0
- 5/94 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com Novell DOS 7 EMM386.EXE
- 5/94 Frank Kintrup nico@uni-paderborn.de FK TSR Utils, misc OS/2
- 5/94 Christian Franke franke@I1.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE redirector, Win3
- 5/94 Peter Claus Gutmann pgut01@cs.aukuni.ac.nz SFS (Secure FileSystem)
- 5/94 Wilbert van Leijen 101573.3345@CompuServe.COM ODIHLP, misc
- 6/94 Wolfgang Spraul 100024.1540@CompuServe.COM Seagate ST01/ST02 BIOS
- 6/94 Wolfgang Spraul 100024.1540@CompuServe.COM SyQuest BIOS
- 7/94 !!! Compaq QVision
- 7/94 Dmitry S. Kohmanyuk dk@farm.cs.kiev.ua JAM compressor
- 7/94 Thomas Brugger fd1@aixterm1.urz.uni-heidelberg.de more miscellany
- 7/94 Mark T. Vitt 70053.2236@compuserve.com SDA/DTA interaction, misc
- 8/94 Jean F. Larvoire HP6300_Q2@hpgnd.grenoble.hp.com HP Ext. BIOS, misc
- 8/94 Matthias Paul Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de K3PLUS API
- 8/94 George A. Reznik gar@spcs.ms.kiev.ua LZSAPI (Stacker 4)
- 8/94 Kristofer Sweger 72713.1241@compuserve.com ANSIPLUS
- 9/94 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch miscellaneous
- 9/94 Mojmir Strhan strhan@simultan.ch WPS and REBOOT VxDs
- 9/94 Alex V. Korsunov avk@netserv2.free.net CPU stepping codes
- 9/94 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com "PS/1" harddisk/ATA info
- 9/94 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Intel SL Enh. APM BIOS
- 9/94 Mojmir Strhan strhan@simultan.ch more VxDs IDs, misc
- 9/94 George L. Fulk fulkgl@austin.ibm.com PSP fields, "DOSOpen2"
- 9/94 Emily Markowicz 70252.2621@compuserve.com many typo corrections
- 10/94 Masashi Fukuda TAB01645@niftyserve.or.jp C&T PC/CHIP SuperState
- 10/94 M.w. Pieters aj132@Freenet.HSC.Colorado.EDU DimVGA 3.4, ObjectKernel
- 10/94 Delman Lee delman@mipg.upenn.edu Phoenix Enh. Disk Drive
- 10/94 Gary E. Miller gem@rellim.com VESA VBE/Power Management
- 11/94 Andreas Groegel ag@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de VESA Audio Interface
- 11/94 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch HP 100LX/200LX
- 11/94 Mojmir Strhan strhan@simultan.ch MSG.COM, PC Mag WINGO
- 11/94 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Award CMOS, PCMCIA ExCA
- 12/94 Rob Misiak rob0006@ibm.net miscellaneous
- 12/94 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch more HP 100LX/200LX, misc
- 12/94 Michael A. Shiels masnet!mshiels@uunet.uu.net EDOS VxD API
- 12/94 Matthias Paul Mattias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de HP Vectra EX-BIOS API
- 12/94 Michael A. Shiels masnet!mshiels@uunet.uu.net DOSISODE
- 1/95 Jack Ridgway 1:3632/4 Back&Forth Professional
- 1/95 Matthias Paul Mattias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de miscellaneous
- 1/95 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com NetWare Event Serv. Layer
- 1/95 Stanley Appel appel@stack.urc.tue.nl UltraMid, MegaEm
- 1/95 LARVOIRE_JEAN-FRANCOIS/HP6300_Q2@hpgnd.grenoble.hp.com Vectra,OmniShare
- 2/95 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com NetWare NETWARN
- 2/95 Sven B. Schreiber sbs@psbs.franken.de much more Banyan VINES
- 2/95 Peter Claus Gutmann pgut01@cs.aukuni.ac.nz IBM/MS INT 13 Extensions
- 2/95 Fernando Papa fido@fing.edu.uy QRIP, MultiLink Advanced
- 2/95 Inbar Raz 2:403:302.42 GRTMOUSE, miscellaneous
- 3/95 Thomas Brugger fd1@aixterm1.urz.uni-heidelberg.de more miscellany
- 3/95 Matthias Paul Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de miscellaneous
- 3/95 John tenthumbs@BIX.com MSWin PageFile/Reboot
- 3/95 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch Stacker 4, Stac Anywhere
- 3/95 Norman L. DeForest af380@cfn.cs.dal.ca TI Professional PC
- 3/95 Norman L. DeForest af380@cfn.cs.dal.ca miscellaneous
- 3/95 Gerard Mannig mannig@world-net.sct.fr AMI BIOS-FLASH interface
- 4/95 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com AMI BIOS INT 15 extensns
- 4/95 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com PCMCIA Socket Serv. 2.1
- 4/95 Matthias Paul Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de miscellaneous
- 4/95 SkullC0DEr SkullC0DEr 2:4631/7 PUPClip
- 5/95 Peter Charles Tonoli 071836@edna.cc.swin.edu.au CauseWay
- 5/95 Stanley Appel appel@stack.urc.tue.nl DOS32, virus inst.checks
- 5/95 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com Intel SMBus
- 5/95 Stanley Appel appel@stack.urc.tue.nl DIGPAK, MIDPAK
- 5/95 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch C&T chips, LapLink RemAcc
- 6/95 Jun-ichiro ITOH itojun@csl.sony.co.jp HP 100LX/200LX
- 6/95 Andreas Groegel groegeas@cip10.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de Windows95
- 6/95 Tim Farley TIM@magee.mhs.compuserve.com XMZ
- 6/95 James Roberts-Thomson COM3ROBERJD@ntu.ac.uk LAN Manager wksta_info
- 6/95 Peter Charles Tonoli 071836@edna.cc.swin.edu.au Linux DOSEMU
- 7/95 Nico Looije nico@djo.wtm.tudelft.nl NetWare printing, VLMs
- 7/95 Matthias Paul Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de HugeRealMode server
- 7/95 Steve Ryckman sryckman@pobox.com GO! directory locator
- 7/95 Ciriaco G.de Celis ciri@luna.gui.uva.es XDF
- 9/95 Pawel Pilarczyk pila@maloka.waw.pl Atari Portfolio INT 61h
- 9/95 Phil Mummah phil_mummah@ptltd.com EDD 1.1, Bootable CD-ROM
- 9/95 Phil Mummah phil_mummah@ptltd.com ATA-2, BIOS Boot Spec
- 9/95 Yury Semenov yury@petre.odessa.ua miscellaneous
- 9/95 Gabor Szappanos SZAPI@reak.bme.hu virus install-checks
- 9/95 Jun-ichiro Itoh itojun@csl.sony.co.jp HP Hornet chipset
- 9/95 Alexander I. Bobkov via root@k35.cit.spb.su MODAL PC
- 10/95 Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de K3PLUS, miscellaneous
- 10/95 Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de WinDOS
- 11/95 Christophe Vallat virus checks, 21/7160
- 11/95 Peter van den Boogert 2:285/414.1 ZFax v4.01
- 11/95 Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de BSC/SDLC ports, misc
- 12/95 George Lefterov george@virbus.bg Q87 v4+ API
- 12/95 Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de KEYB internals, kbd codes
- 1/96 Ghielmeti Lepoldo Leopoldo.Ghielmetti@epfl.ch I1541 API
- 1/96 Michael Devore CauseWay v1.3 DOS ext.
- 2/96 Frank Kintrup nico@uni-paderborn.de Windows95 long filenames
- 2/96 Robert Thrun (Langley Part, Maryland) Tandy 2000 BIOS
- 2/96 Wim Kosten wkosten@mail.HZeeland.nl ATAPI
- 3/96 Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de format of .CPI files
- 3/96 Lesha Bogdanow boga@pts.mipt.ru AWDFLASH/Asustek Flash
- 4/96 Antti Barck proff@iki.fi Cx5x86 config registers
- 4/96 Adam Seychell s921880@minyos.its.rmit.EDU.AU DOS32 v3.2
- 4/96 Rob WlkngOwl@unix.asb.com NOISE.SYS v0.53 API
- 5/96 James Lin linja@acf2.NYU.EDU AMI Flash BIOS interface
- 5/96 Pino Navato 2:335/225.18 misc
- 5/96 Christophe Vallat virus checks, Iomega
- 5/96 Solar Designer solar@sun1.ideal.ru Player's Tool, ShowGFX
- 6/96 George Fulk fulkgl@austin.ibm.com OS/2, misc
- 7/96 Jens Rehsack asterix@inf.fh-anhalt.de PCMCIA v2
- 7/96 George Fulk George_Fulk@aussmtp.austin.ibm.com country codes
- 8/96 Mark Junker mjs@hannover.sgh-net.de Cherry keyboard chipcard
- 8/96 Dmitry B. Jemerov dmitry@jemerov.spb.ru KeyRus, Volkov Cmdr, etc.
- 9/96 Kevin Tseng s8203143@andy.pu.edu.tw XPACK
- 9/96 Norman L. DeForest af380@cfn.cs.dal.ca more TI Professional PC
- 10/96 Duncan Murdoch D.J.Murdoch@bristol.ac.uk FAT32 API
- 10/96 Josef Hatala Josef.Hatala@eurinsa.insa-lyon.fr Novell TCPIP
- 10/96 Marcus Wirth Marcus.Wirth@wiesbaden.netsurf.de Banyan printing
- 11/96 Szappanos Gábor szapi@reak.bme.hu virus install checks
- 11/96 Viatcheslav Odintsov 2:5020/50 PU_1700, VIDEMS.SYS
- 12/96 A Federico Thiella fthiella@stud32.math.unipd.it MODRES
- 12/96 Wolfgang Lierz lierz@library.ethz.ch misc Win95 notes, Toshiba
- 1/97 Glenn Stumpff gstumpff@ball.com PRINDIR v9.0 API
- 1/97 Frank Klemm klemm@ifk.uni-jena.de Keyboard Driver API
- 1/97 Ralf Brown ralf@pobox.com MS-DOS 7,various VxD APIs
- 3/97 Matthias.Paul@post.rwth-aachen.de code pages, COUNTRY.SYS
- 3/97 Scott Townsend scott_townsend@phoenix.com POST Memory Manager v1.0
- 4/97 Dietmar Meschede mesched@math.uni-muenster.de S3VBE/Core, S3 SpeedUp
- 5/97 Pino Navato 2:335/225.18 misc, PCXDUMP, CDROM
- 8/97 Jochem Heicke JochemH@ami.com more PCI vendor IDs
- 9/97 Pino Navato pnavato@geocities.com Micro Focus COBOL
- 10/97 Eugene Lisovy 2:4635/73 VESA DDC EDID codes
- 11/97 Russell A. Bell rbell@alumni.caltech.edu S3 memory-mapped I/O
- 12/97 Vik Heyndrickx Vik.Heyndrickx@rug.ac.be file sharing for DOS 7
- 1/98 George L Fulk fulkgl@ibm.net Win95 updates
- 1/98 Roger Scudder rscudder@usa.net transcription
- 1/98 David Brioso dbrioso@hotmail.com transcription
- 1/98 Pino Navato pnavato@geocities.com transcription
- 3/98 George L. Fulk fulkgl@ibm.net more DOS int., FAT32 SDA
- 5/98 Teppo Lehtonen lehto@sci.fi transcription
- 6/98 Serguei Shtyliov serge@coudert.msk.ru PCI vendor IDs
- 6/98 Jens Rehsack rehsack@informatik.uni-halle.de Award-BIOS password
- 7/98 Teppo Lehtonen lehto@sci.fi transcription
- 7/98 Craig Hart chart@hyperlink.net.au transcription
- 7/98 Mark Usher marku@magnet.at Econet
- 8/98 Teppo Lehtonen lehto@sci.fi transcription
- 9/98 George L. Fulk fulkgl@ibm.net misc DOS/Win9X internals
- 10/98 Sergei Shtylyov headless@dataforce.net Adaptec AHA-154x ports
- 10/98 Roger Scudder rscudder@usa.net transcription
- 10/98 Harchris P. Macalisang harcpm@hotmail.com Soft-ICE backdoor cmds
- 10/98 Grzegorz Mazur gbm@ii.pw.edu.pl Matrox VESA/OEM calls
- 10/98 Anthony Naggs amn@ubik.demon.co.uk XBIOS, EZ-Drive
- 10/98 Eugene Lisovy Eugene_Lisovy @ 2:4635/73 AWARD APM CMOS settings
- 11/98 Sergei Shtylyov headless@dataforce.net Adaptec AIC-7xxx,AHA-152x
- 11/98 John Elliott jce@seasip.demon.co.uk GEM/ViewMAX
- 11/98 Herwig Feichtinger Feichtinger@shamrock.de WinTel API
- 11/98 Rostislav Krasny fight@rusclub.ml.org TrLit API
- 12/98 Simon van Dongen sgvd@xs4all.nl VHRBIOS.SYS
- Also contributing:
- Dan Crocker <enchant@oliveb.ATC.OLIVETTI.COM>, George Smith <gbs@nsc.nsc.com>,
- Shalom Krischer <actnyc!srk@uunet.UU.NET>, Greg Pasquariello <moss!picuxa!gp>,
- Rich Goldschmidt <rlgvax!golds>, Marty Leisner <leisner@sdsp.mc.xerox.com>,
- Dave Guggisberg <daveg@cv.hp.com>,Jonathan Story <jonathan@jspc.wimsey.bc.ca>,
- Thomas Hundt <hundt@flash.bellcore.com>, Brad Templeton <brad@looking.on.ca>,
- John Werner <aptr@tut.cc.rochester.edu>, Pete Fales <att!ttrde!pfales>,
- David Herron <david@gonzo.twg.com>, Otto J. Makela <otto@jyu.fi>,
- Risto Lankinen via Markku Savela <msa@clinet.fi>, Darryl Gregorash 1:140/86,
- Skule Johansen <skule.johansen@avh.unit.no>, Bob Fehrenbach,
- David Dyck <dcd@tc.fluke.COM>, Sylvan Butler <sbutler@hpdmd48.hp.com>,
- Mark Davis <mad@merit.edu>, Sergio Fogel <fogel@haifasc3.vnet.ibm.com>,
- James P. Kiely <kiely%lownlab@harvard.harvard.edu>, Kevin142@micron.net,
- W.F. Schroeder <schroeder.pad@sni-usa.com>, <zlatuska@UDEL.EDU>,
- Russ Nelson <nelson@sun.soe.clarkson.edu>, Michael Ho <ho@fergvax.unl.edu>,
- Ralph Heredia <att!attmail!rheredia>, Nelluri Reddy <reddy@uc.msc.umn.edu>,
- Victor Poon <vipoon@sbcs.sunysb.edu>, Andrea Omodeo (Cilavegna, Italy),
- Richard D. Morris <gu.morris@science.utah.edu>, RS Tse 3:700/1,
- Mark Scase <coa44@keele.ac.uk>, Erik Liljencrantz <d88-eli@nada.kth.se>,
- Mark Seiffert <marks%%mgse@rex.cs.tulane.edu>, Lewis Paper (Minnesota),
- Marco Lumachi <RARCHI06@IMIPOLI.BITNET>, Michael Dickson <mcd@ccsitn.att.com>,
- Andrew Torda <torda@igc.ethz.ch>, Madis Kaal 2:490/30 <mast@ce.ttu.ew.su>,
- Paul Williamson <pwilliamson@drzeus.qualcomm.com>, Jan Ceuleers 2:295/27,
- James Birdsall <jwbirdsa@picarefy.picarefy.com>, Guenther Thiele (Austria),
- Joe Morris <jcmorris@MWUNIX.MITRE.ORG>, Jim Peterson <jpeterso@vtssi.vt.edu>,
- Edwin Floyd <76067.747@CompuServe.COM>, James West 1:140/26, David G. Thomas,
- Simon Phipps <sphipps@cix.compulink.co.uk>, ecleton@bilftp.bouw.tno.nl,
- Glen Kriekenbeck <glenk@East.Sun.COM>, Dave Andrews <bilver!dandrews@aii.com>,
- John P. Vias <72260.1601@CompuServe.COM>, Brian Leeming (Surrey, England),
- Naota Kimura <abcscnuk@csuna.csun.edu>,George W. Pogue <gwp@trsvax.tandy.com>,
- Michael L. Kaufman <kaufman@eecs.nwu.edu>, John Jurewicz 76004.2311,
- Michael D. Lawler <mdlawler@bsu-cs.bsu.edu>, Norbert Juffa (Karlsruhe, FRG),
- Chris Blum <76625.1041@compuserve.com>,David Fink <73700.3076@compuserve.com>,
- Klaus Hartnegg <hartnegg@ruf.uni-freiburg.de>, Thomas Lukka 2:227/16,
- Norbert Sommer <100016.1241@compuserve.com>, John.Brennen@VI.RI.CMU.EDU,
- Paul van Keep <75170.1045@compuserve.COM>,John B. Thiel <jbthiel@cse.ogi.edu>,
- Ken Medellin via <76702,1071@compuserve.com>, Bob Green <bob@inmos.co.uk>,
- Robert Chafer (Salford, England), Leonard Erickson <shadow@krypton.rain.com>,
- Carl Schelin <tcs@mailer.jhuapl.edu>,Dave Kirsch <Dave_Kirsch@mindlink.bc.ca>,
- Michael S. Stratoti <tmstrato@king.mcs.drexel.edu>, Marc Scholtis 2:281/701.2,
- Sean Lin (Midland, MI), John Villalovos <villalj@instruction.CS.ORST.EDU>,
- Claude Marche <marche@lri.lri.fr>, Carlos Antunes <cma@eniac.inesc.pt>,
- Drake Koefoed (Eugene, OR), Rehn-Lieh Lin <rllin@paradise.ccl.itri.org.tw>,
- Mark T Garlanger <garlangr@ecn.purdue.edu>, J. B. Gill <JBG@arlan.byu.edu>,
- Frank Behrens (Dresden, Germany), Bruce Gingery 1:310/5.1, John Navas,
- Johan Zwiekhorst 2:292/100, Klaus Fischer 2:243/64, Steve Grant (New Jersey),
- Jeff Pipkins <pipkins@cpqhou.se.hou.compaq.com>, Nemrod Kedem 2:403/138,
- Brett Warthen <73270.405@compuserve.com>, Thomas Dwyer <tomiii@mtu.edu>,
- Brian.McGuinness@nirvonics.com, Mitch Davis 3:634/384.6, Steve Halko 1:365/12,
- noesis@ucscb.UCSC.EDU, Timo Salmi <ts@uwasa.fi>, Jack Alvrus (Florida),
- Eberhard Mattes <mattes@azu.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de>, Pete Peterson,
- Alex Fedorov <inex@telebox.tele.fi>, Frank-Christian Kruegel 2:240/300.44,
- Heath Ian Hunnicutt <heathh@cco.caltech.edu>, Stefan Gustafsson <sg@diab.se>,
- Janos Haide <JHAIDE.NOVELL@sjfsmtp.novell.com>, Stan Brown <stbrown@nacs.net>,
- Serge Krupa <krupa@eig.unige.ch>, Tom Rawson <75300.210@compuserve.com>,
- Edwin Cleton 2:512/1007.2, Martin Wilde 2:247/352.2, Ed Palmer 1:140/1,
- Carlos Rioja <CarlosRioja@cpd.uva.es>,Torbj|rn Lindgren <tl@etek.chalmers.se>,
- Jens Bleuel <100064.1757@CompuServe.COM>, Gianni Albóre (Taranto, Italy),
- Morten Welinder <terra@APL.FOX.CS.CMU.EDU>, <Tim_-_Otholt@cup.portal.com>,
- Serge Pachkovsky <ps@comcen.nsk.su>, Dmitry Ablov <abl@ablov.comrel.msk.su>,
- Nigel Bree <nigel@mwc.com>, Bob Aitchison via 76244.726@compuserve.com,
- Francis Turner <FTURNER@madge.MHS.CompuServe.COM>, kevinc@kpc.com,
- Vsevolod M. Shabad 2:5020/75.13,Peter van den Boogert <P.C.vdnBoogert@kub.nl>,
- Gordon Edwards <gedwards@ncratl.atlantaga.ncr.com>, John_Spinks@novell.com,
- Jose R. Rodriguez Santia <100012.364@CompuServe.COM>,KUCHTA@dcse.fee.vutbr.cs,
- Michael Bootz <bootz@physik.uni-kl.de>,Sergey Danilov <victor@rodnik.msk.su>,
- Harald Langhammer <100114.114@compuserve.com>, Bert Baker (Texas),
- Gino Lucrezi <lucrezi@dsiaq1.ing.univaq.it>, Yousuf Khan 1:163/215.6,
- James Berry <jfb292@ecs.southampton.ac.uk>, Everett C. Johnson 70631,16,
- Jerzy Tarasiuk <JT@zfja-gate.fuw.edu.pl>, Roman Rutman <jbari@CCSG.TAU.AC.IL>,
- Lutz Schroer <hmls@IDEFIX.RZ.TU-CLAUSTHAL.DE>, Per-Eric Larsson 2:203/410.15,
- Otto-Michael Braun <omb@ahobln.br.schule.de>, Martin Winkler 2:2402/330.6,
- Scott C. Pedigo <100020.723@CompuServe.COM>, Ed Mulroy 70007.4630,
- Frank van der Linden <vdlinden@fwi.uva.nl>, Ben Castricum <benc@htsa.aha.nl>,
- Andrei Tsyganenko <ANDY@GODZILLA.UMD.EDU>, Jeremy.Laidman@cowan.EDU.AU,
- Brian Long <BLONG@boruk.mhs.compuserve.com>, John_Murphy@perftech.com,
- Peter Singer <100024.1603@CompuServe.COM>, Martin Shipley <martin@buss.co.uk>,
- Jiri Kuchta <kuchta@dcse.fee.vutbr.cs>, Pavel Shtemenko <pasha@opi.odessa.ua>,
- Paul Ratcliffe <70630.647@compuserve.com>, Ivan Martinez 4:801/6, Steve Ball,
- David Woolley <100121.53@compuserve.com>,Paul Vojta <vojta@math.berkeley.edu>,
- Ronald Lokker <rlokker@fys.ruu.nl>, Wolfram Joost <WOJO@TEAMWORK.SH.SUB.ORG>,
- Nico E. de Vries <nevries@aip.nl>, Riku Saikkonen <riku.saikkonen@compart.fi>,
- David J. Craig <73313.1610@compuserve.com>, Peter <d91-pbr@nada.kth.se>,
- Igor Khasilev <igor@petre.odessa.ua>, Anthony Naggs <amn@ubik.demon.co.uk>,
- Pybe Faber <postdo@duttncb.tn.tudeflt.nl> (shared acct), cmuelle@eos.ncsu.edu,
- Zhaoyuan Zhang (via Youjun Luo <luo@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.d400.de>),
- Holger Genz (via volker@bsd-home.iam.uni-bonn.de), Thomas Valjak 2:245/1803,
- Wonyong Koh <f7wyk@chem.krict.re.kr>, Igor V. Krasikov <kiv@kiv.kiev.ua>,
- Wolfgang Lorenz <100112.220@CompuServe.COM>, michael_rothman@VNET.IBM.COM,
- Yinrong Huang <HUANGY@SLUVCA.SLU.EDU>, David.Bourgin@babbage.imag.fr,
- Christoph Fischer <Fisher@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>, Peter_Schuette@ks.fido.de,
- David Perry <davep@demon.csd.unsw.EDU.AU>, H. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>,
- Bill Potvin II <70540.120@compuserve.com>, Jordi Mas <jordi@qdeck.com>,
- Chad Robinson <crobinso@vaxc.stevens-tech.edu>, Tom Yohe <stampede@oar.net>,
- <Alexey_Kulentsov@p6.f216.n5020.z2.gate.phantom.msk.su>, jaust@mindscape.com,
- Martin Trnovec <umertrno@savba.savba.sk>, Alexander Lepetyuk 2:463/11.44,
- Aaron Martin <71726.2543@compuserve.com>, Tony Hundt <THUNDT@bb-elec.com>,
- Michael Holin <holin@am.heim1.tu-clausthal.de>, Wade Bowmer 3:712/505.0,
- Andreas Kinzler <akinzler@com.rhein-main.de>, Marcus Better 2:201/2120.1,
- Patrick Swayne <PATS@internet.megatrends.com>, Jaap Keuter 2:283/512.0,
- Pancrazio DE MAURO via fausto baldi <balf@dsi.unimi.it>,
- Markku Leinio <matale@utu.fi>, David Markun 76320.302@compuserve.com,
- Alexander A Maltsev <amp@cairccom.msk.su>, Michal Szokolo <msz@plearn.bitnet>,
- Alexander I. Yanovsky <ayan@xray.ineos.ac.ru>, John Sasse <tenthumbs@BIX.com>,
- Carlos Fernandez Sanz <100410.3445@compuserve.com>, Dr. David Leov (Israel),
- James Roberts-Thomson <COM3ROBERJD@NOTTINGHAM-TRENT.AC.UK>, Alfmarks@aol.com,
- Derek Kwan <dkwan@zeus.UWaterloo.ca>, Pim Schaeffer <pschaef@knoware.nl>,
- Kris Heidenstrom <Kris.Heidenstrom@actrix.gen.nz>, bill.dickson@dscmail.com,
- Dave Stephenson <bb683@freenet.toronto.on.ca>, Fernando ? <fido@fing.edu.uy>,
- Michael Heier <100427.2105@compuserve.com>, Robert Raymond CIS 74601.354,
- Joe C. <u8123027@cc.nctu.edu.tw>, Dan Miller <derelict@netcom.com>,
- Niels Kristian Bech Jensen <nkbj@kemi.aau.dk>,Alex Zinin <zinin@icl.kazan.su>,
- Ralf D. Kloth <kloth@sunwan.mpik-tueb.mpg.de>, eckertw@worms-emh4.army.mil,
- Giorgio Caimi <caimi@zeus.csr.unibo.it>, Bob Longnecker <blong@mav.com>,
- Jaroslaw Rafa <sfrafa@lfs.cyf-kr.edu.pl>, Mojmir Strhan <strhan@simultan.ch>,
- Axel C. Frinke <acfrinke@cs.bonn.de>,avp@iron.misa.ac.ru, SurfToDeet@aol.com,
- Julian Nicholls <julian@aladdin.co.uk>, ricardo.ferreira@mpcbbs.com.br,
- Vincent Lyonel <vincentl@cc.ec-lyon.fr>, <Gabor.Somlai@ohsh.u-szeged.hu>,
- Pascal Moulart <100572.1021@compuserve.com>, John Murphy <murf@perftech.com>,
- Giacomo Amabile Catenazzi <gcatenaz@g26.ethz.ch>, Svante Frey <sfrey@kuai.se>,
- Nils <xorax@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE>, Rod Mathews <rodmathews@earthlink.net>,
- Morten Welinder <terra@APL.FOX.CS.CMU.EDU>, Ziv Barber <ziv@aladdin.co.il>,
- Ervin Peretz <peretz@eagle.natinst.com>, Andrew <browning@werple.mira.net.au>,
- David Cary <cary@agora.rdrop.com>, Nir Sofer <nir@netvision.net.il>,
- Keith Hamilton <100654.2000@compuserve.com>, Colin Hill <chill@rmi.net>,
- David Cary <cary@agora.rdrop.com>, Steven M. Ryckman <sryckman@simsware.com>,
- Peter Rindfuss <RINDFUSS-S@medea.wz-berlin.de>, <Frederic.Vicher@wanadoo.fr>,
- Pierre Duhem <100256.1731@compuserve.com>,Robert Dixon <r.dixon@dem.csiro.au>,
- Bob Jackman <Bob@salford-software.com>, Erich Stefan Boleyn <erich@uruk.org>,
- Jan Slater <slater@platinum.nb.net>, Alfredo Raul Pena <apena@VNET.IBM.COM>,
- Tom Shinnick <tshinnic@io.com>, Gil Megidish <gmegidis@ort.org.il>,
- Kim Bastin <muskb@lure.latrobe.edu.au>,Dmitry Jemerov <dmitry@jemerov.spb.ru>,
- Marc Ferran <100702.1215@CompuServe.COM>, Hale Landis <landis@sugs.tware.com>,
- Volker Schmidt <100.78304@germanynet.de>, Kevin Scott <tallex@nwlink.com>,
- Luca Di Rocco <i058574@spv05.ing.uniroma1.it>, Revenger Tels <elstner@bsi.de>,
- Mike Marcelais <michmarc@microsoft.com>,Mark J. Restifo <mrestifo@wizvax.net>,
- guest@rnibncw.demon.co.uk, Bill Currie <billc@blackmagic.tait.co.nz>,
- John Eichenberger <eichenbj@norand.com>,Joaquim Homrighausen <joho@defsol.se>,
- Alwin Nederpelt <A.A.M.Nederpelt@caiw.nl>, Jon Dreyer <jdreyer@east.sun.com>,
- Yukimitsu Cherry Sakurai <cherry@krhm.jvc-victor.co.jp>,
- Andreas Perlitz <APERLITZ@btg-agb.isar.de>, Andy.Ruddock@uk.drsolomon.com,
- Kevin Tseng <s8203143@andy.pu.edu.tw>, Emmanuel.Viollet@mail.dotcom.fr,
- Pete Shew <gbsedps1@ibmmail.com>, Alexander Adams <a.r.adams@twi.tudelft.nl>,
- Frank Baumgartner <Frank.Baumgartner@317-11-81.ccc.or.at>, scheiki@netway.at,
- Benjamin/Denyse Walbeehm <denyse@interaccess.net>, Lee Aroner <leea@mail.com>,
- Tomas Navratil <navsoft@post.cz>, Ross Mitchell <rossm@matra.com.au>,
- Florian Painke <floh@muenchen.roses.de>, Jacobo Tarrio <newton-bbs@jet.es>,
- Fernando Anton <fernando@ergos.es>, Alexander Yanovsky <alik@aha.ru>,
- Bas van Sisseren <bas@zep.nl>, Torok Miklos <mitorok@physx.u-szeged.hu>,
- Peter Notebaert <Peno@adifo.be>, <Lost.Mind@childs.mn.pubnix.net>,
- Pascal Moulart <asymptote_pmo@compuserve.com>, ambrose@nevets.oau.org,
- sz1323@rzmail.uni-erlangen.de, tim liljendahl <hitech@innocent.com>,
- Paul Reid <71031.3603@CompuServe.COM>, David Powell <powell@cs.monash.edu.au>,
- Alex N. Ivlev <ivlev@alpha.isan.troitsk.ru>, Barry Mead <bmead@dancris.com>,
- Graham Inggs <ginggs@pe-pop.iafrica.com>, kilobug@kali.isicom.fr,
- Willow Schlanger <willow@arrowweb.com>,DavMac <smcall@corryong.albury.net.au>,
- Vladimir M. Zakharychev <loki@cnit.uniyar.ac.ru>, josh_thelen@classic.msn.com,
- Stefano Pettini <stefano.pettini@scoutnet.org>,Steve Ball <s.ball@xtra.co.nz>,
- Guy Gordon <gordon@atlanta.com>, Keith Mackay <alma@interlog.com>,
- J. Paulo Santos <j.paulo.santos@mail.telepac.pt>, Andrew Belov 2:5020/181.2,
- Thomas Voss <voss@or.uni-bonn.de>, Hafthor Stefansson <hafthor@usa.net>,
- Veit Kannegieser <kannegv@TU-Cottbus.de>, Sean Stanek <Srstanek@aol.com>,
- Chris Wilson <chrisperrywilson@hotmail.com>, Mark Ament <ament@xs4all.nl>,
- Richard Jonsson <richard_jonsson@hotmail.com>, Gary A <garya@nitco.com>,
- Maik Nijhuis <mnijhuis@sloep85.cs.vu.nl>, Bjorn Hultman <bjorn@btbits.se>,
- Matthias Drochner <drochner@zelux6.zel.kfa-juelich.de>,Eli <afn41472@afn.org>,
- Dave Crocker <dcrocker@imsltd.com>, paul couchman <bp@onthenet.com.au>,
- Phil Brutsche <brutsche@ne.uswest.net>, Andreas Mohr <100.30936@germany.net>,
- Derek Soeder <dereks@sulphur-springs.isd.tenet.edu>, Todor <tod@bitex.com>,
- Kostya Zalyan <Kostya.Zalyan@p17.f15.n5001.z2.fidonet.org>,
- Anthony Appleyard <MCLSSAA2@fs2.mt.umist.ac.uk>,Ren Hoek <ren@arak.ptf.hro.nl>
- Bob Kellock <bobkellock@clara.net>, Mark Chater <mark@microcosm.co.uk>,
- Martin Malik <malik@svf.stuba.sk>, Helmut Bischoff <bischoff.h@metronet.de>,
- Marc Schoolderman <squell@chaos.concepts.nl>,Robert Pouliot <krynos@clic.net>,
- Andreas Mohr <100.30936@germany.net>,Denis M. Yarkovoy <gunky9@geocities.com>,
- John Scofield <jscofiel@apis.dhl.com>,Tomasz Slodkowicz <slodki@ii.uj.edu.pl>,
- Ville Turjanmaa <villemt@itu.st.jyu.fi>, Martin Korth <nocash@work.de>,
- Andrea Vangelista <vangelis@BioGate.com>, Alexander Yanovsky <alik@aha.ru>,
- Dr John Stockton <jrs@merlyn.demon.co.uk>, Eugene Kasutamov 2:5030/744.1023,
- Jan OberlΣnder & Christian Marg <EMAG-Herzberg@t-online.de>,
- Ignacio Mellado <alu1027@eupbl.upc.es>, Steve Karg <SKarg@Lithonia.com>,
- Michael Hanson <michaelh@scn.org>, Ben Lunt <blunt@zekes.com>,
- --------!---ADDRESSES------------------------
- The following have provided API reference and other materials at no charge:
- Alloy Computer Products, Inc. (ANSK, NTNX, MW386)
- 1 Brigham Street
- Marlborough, MA 01752
- Voice: (508) 481-8500
- (800) 544-7551
- FAX: (508) 481-7711
- Banyan Systems, Inc. (Banyan VINES)
- 115 Flanders Road
- Westboro, MA 01581
- Voice: (508) 898-1000
- FAX: (508) 898-3604
- Beame & Whiteside Software Ltd (BW-TCP)
- P.O. Box 8130 [6/93]
- Dundas, ON L9H 5E7
- Canada
- Voice: (416) 765-0822
- FAX: (416) 765-0815
- FTP: ftp.bws.com
- bit-design GmbH (bitFOSS, bitFOSSI, WDTSR)
- Bayerwaldstr. 5 [4/94]
- D-81737 Muenchen
- Germany
- Voice: +49-89-670050-0
- FAX: +49-89-670050-90
- BBS: +49-89-670050-91
- Compact Soft Group (CS_TSR specification)
- SU-252186 Kiev Ukraine [11/93]
- Martirosyana st. 15, apt 4
- Email: compact.soft@cs.kiev.ua
- General Software (STARLITE architecture [Embedded DOS])
- P.O. Box 2571
- Redmond, WA 98073
- Helix Software Company, Inc. (Netroom, RM386, Cloaking)
- 47-09 30th Street
- Long Island City, NY 11101
- Voice: (718) 392-3100
- FAX: (718) 392-4212
- BBS: (718) 392-4054
- Intelligent Micro Software Ltd. (REAL/32)
- England [3/98]
- ftp://ftp.imsltd.com/pub/support/Programmers/sdk/r32sdk.zip
- Intel Architecture Labs (SMBus and other specs)
- Voice: (800) 627-8686
- FAX: (916) 356-6100
- (916) 356-3551 (international)
- Email: IAL_Support@ccm.hf.intel.com
- Intel Literature (DOS Protected-Mode Interface)
- 3065 Bowers Avenue
- Box 58065
- Santa Clara, CA 95051-8065
- Voice: (800) 548-4725
- FTP: ftp.intel.com
- International Computers (ImageCapture)
- 12021 West Bluemound Road
- Wauwatosa, WI 53226
- Voice: (414) 764-9000
- JAM Software (JAM disk compressor)
- George A. Reznik [11/94]
- Vasilkovskaya str.8, apt.139
- 252040 Kiev, UKRAINE
- Voice: +7(044) 266-6547
- FAX: +7(044) 266-4091
- Internet: gar@UA.NET (best) or gar@jam.cs.kiev.ua
- Mechon Mamre (MTR shareware: MTRFONTS, MTRTSR)
- 12 Hayyin Vital [10/96]
- Jerusalem
- FTP: ftp.cc.huji.ac.il:/pub/kodesh
- Microsoft Corporation (CD-ROM Extensions)
- 16011 NE 36th Way
- Box 97017
- Redmond, WA 98073-9717
- Voice: (206) 882-8080
- FAX: (206) 883-8101
- FTP: ftp.microsoft.com
- Nanosoft, Inc. (MultiDOS Plus, TurboNET)
- 13 Westfield Road
- Natick, MA 01760
- Voice: (800) 678-2141
- (508) 651-0091
- FAX: (508) 655-8860
- BBS: (508) 650-9552
- NashaKala Corporation (ComShare)
- P.O. Box 218, Station 'K' [1/95]
- Toronto, Ontario M4P-2E0
- NetManage, Inc. (ChameleonNFS)
- 20823 Stevens Creek Blvd [6/93]
- Suite 100
- Cupertino, CA 95014
- Voice: (408) 973-7171
- FAX: (408) 257-6405
- FTP: ftp.netmanage.com
- Net-Source, Inc. (SilverNET)
- 1265 El Camino Real, Suite 101 [7/93]
- Santa Clara, CA 95050
- Voice: (408) 246-6679
- FAX: (408) 246-7040
- netsource.com
- Novell, Inc. (NetWare, LSL)
- 122 East 1700 South
- Provo, UT 84601
- Voice: (800) 453-1267
- (801) 379-5900
- FTP: ftp.novell.com, sjf-lwp.novell.com
- WWW: http://occam.sjf.novell.com:8080/
- Phar Lap Software, Inc. (Virtual Control Program Interface)
- 60 Aberdeen Avenue
- Cambridge, MA 02138
- Voice: (617) 661-1510
- FTP: pharlap.com
- Phoenix Technologies, Ltd. (PCMCIA Socket Services)
- 40 Airport Parkway [6/91]
- San Jose, CA 95110-1008
- Voice: (408) 452-6500
- FAX: (408) 452-1985
- Quarterdeck Office Systems (DESQview 2.26)
- 150 Pico Boulevard [12/92]
- Santa Monica, CA 90405
- Voice: (213) 392-9701
- FAX: (213) 399-3802
- BBS: (213) 314-3227
- FTP: qdeck.com
- Bernd Schemmer (MDEBUG)
- Ostenbergstr. 99/137
- W4600 Dortmund 50
- Softwarehouse Corporation (Connection Manager)
- 326 State Street [10/93]
- Los Altos, CA 94022
- Voice: (415) 949-0203
- FAX: (415) 949-0208
- BBS: (415) 949-0207
- Tiara Computer Systems, Inc. (10NET)
- 1091 Shoreline Blvd [7/93]
- Mountain View, CA 94043
- V Communications, Inc. (RSIS)
- 4320 Stevens Creek Blvd, Suite 275 [2/92]
- San Jose, CA 95129
- Voice: (408) 296-4224
- Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA SuperVGA BIOS extensions)
- 1330 South Bascom Avenue, Suite D
- San Jose, CA 95128-4502
- Voice: (408) 971-7525
- FAX: (408) 286-8988
- (2150 North First Street, Suite 440, San Jose, CA 95131-2029; phone
- 408-435-0333, FAX 408-435-8225)
- Webcorp (WEB)
- 2750 Bridgeway [7/93]
- Sausalito, CA 94965
- Voice: (415) 331-1449
- FAX: (415) 331-0911
- Willies' Computer Software Company (COMM-DRV)
- 2470 S. Dairy Ashford, Suite 188 [5/94]
- Houston, TX 77077
- Voice: (800) 966-4832
- (713) 498-4832
- --------!---ADDRESSES------------------------
- Other addresses:
- J.M. Allen Creations (PRINDIR)
- 115 Lynn Street [8/92]
- Fremont, OH 43420
- American Megatrends, Inc. (AMIBIOS, BIOS-FLASH)
- Voice: (800) 828-9264 [1994]
- FTP: american.megatrends.com
- A.N.D. Technologies (PSPS)
- P.O. Box 64811 [5/93]
- Los Angeles, CA 90064
- Voice: (213) 848-9345
- CIS: 71011,3570
- Artisoft Inc. (LANtastic)
- 575 East River Rd.
- Tucson, AZ 85704
- Voice: (602) 293-6363
- artisoft.com
- Attachmate Corporation (Extra!)
- 3617 131st Ave. SE
- Bellevue, WA 98006-9930
- Voice: (800) 426-6283
- FAX: (206) 747-9924
- G.T. Becker (RighTime)
- Air System Technologies, Inc. [4/91]
- 14232 Marsh Lane, Suite 339
- Dallas, TX 75234
- Better Software Technology, Inc. (Switch-It)
- 55 New York Ave [1990]
- Framingham, MA 01701
- Voice: (508) 879-0744
- FAX: (508) 872-1734
- Biologic (HRAM, MIN-MEM)
- PO Box 1267 [9/91]
- Manassas, VA 22110
- BLOC Publishing Corp. (FAST!)
- 800 S.W. 37th Avenue [6/93]
- Coral Gables, FL 33134
- Rich Bono (ISR.COM)
- 7 Redfield Circle [2/91]
- Derry, New Hampshire, 03038
- rbono@necis.ma.nec.com
- nm1d@wb1dsw.nh.usa.na
- Borland International Inc. (Turbo Pascal, Turbo C)
- 1800 Green Hills Rd.
- Scotts Valley, CA 95066
- Voice: (408) 438-8400
- Bromfield Software Products (SCROLLit)
- P.O. Box 70081 [5/93]
- Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2M3
- Canada
- CIS: 71054,3051
- Andrzej Brzezinski (CALCULATOR)
- 308-70 Garry St. [12/90]
- Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3J9
- Canada
- Budget Software Company (Disk Spool II)
- P. O. Box 12282 [12/91]
- 12162 E. Mississippi Ave.
- Aurora, CO 80012-3499
- Voice: (303) 695-9095
- Cirrus Logic (video adapters)
- 3100 West Warren Ave
- Fremont, CA 94538
- Commercial Software Associates (VMiX)
- Post Office Box 36
- Corona del Mar, CA 92625
- Voice: (714) 720-1214 (8-6pm PDT)
- BBS: (714) 720-1139 (24 Hrs.)
- Compaq Computer Corporation
- 20555 S.H. 249
- Houston, TX 77070
- FTP: ftp.compaq.com
- Killé House
- Chinnor Road
- Thame
- Oxon, OX9-3NU
- Suite 133 [3/90]
- 260 South Lake Ave.
- Pasadena, CA 91101
- Dell Computers
- FTP: dell1.dell.com, dell2.dell.com
- Digital Research, Inc. (GEM, DR DOS, Concurrent DOS)
- (see Novell, Inc.)
- Distributed Information Processing, Ltd.
- Number 2 Frederick Sanger Road
- Surrey Research Park
- Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XN
- England
- Voice: +44 483 301 555
- FAX: +44 483 301 434
- [DPMI Committee]
- Albert Teng, DPMI Committee Secretary
- Mailstop NW1-18
- 2801 Northwestern Parkway
- Santa Clara, CA 95051
- FAX: (408) 765-5165
- Dynamic Microprocessor Associates (pcANYWHERE)
- 1776 E. Jericho Turnpike
- Huntington, NY 11743
- Voice: (516)-462-0440
- EasyNet Systems Inc. (EasyNet ShareLan)
- 4283 Village Centre Court [4/88]
- Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1S2
- Voice: (416) 273-6410
- Eicon Technology Corporation
- 2196 32nd Avenue
- Montreal, Quebec, Canada H8T 3H7
- Voice: (514) 631-2592
- Ergo Computing (OS/286, OS/386)
- 1 Intercontinental Way
- Peabody, MA 01960
- Voice: (508) 535-7510
- FAX: (508) 535-7512
- Thunderbyte PC Immunizer Division
- P.O. Box 1380
- 6501 BJ Nijmegen
- The Netherlands
- Voice: +31-80-787 881
- FAX: +31-80-789 186
- BBS: +31-85-212 395
- Express Consulting (EZRECV)
- 4960 Hamilton Ave. Suite 211 [7/92]
- San Jose, CA 95130
- Voice: (408) 374-7992
- FAX: (408) 374-3115
- FAB Software (Newkey)
- P.O. Box 336 [10/90]
- Wayland, MA 01778
- Peter Fitzsimmons (SWELL)
- P.O. Box 670 [as of 7/89]
- Adelaide St. Postal Station
- Toronto, Canada M5C 2J8
- FlashTek, Inc. (X-32VM)
- 804 Airport Way, Suite D [9/92]
- Sandpoint, ID 83864
- Voice: (208) 263-7311
- FAX: (208) 263-8772
- UUCP: x-32vm@proto.com
- Geoff Friesen (IC)
- Box 94 [10/92]
- Dauphin, Manitoba
- Canada R7N 2T9
- Frontier Technologies Corp. (Super-TCP)
- 10201 N. Port Washington Road [8/93]
- Mequon, WI 53092
- Voice: (414) 241-4555
- FAX: (414) 241-7084
- FTP: isi.frontiertech.com
- FTP Software, Inc. (PC/TCP)
- Voice: (800) 282-4387
- FTP: vax.ftp.com
- Future Domain Corporation (SCSI controllers)
- 2801 McGaw Ave.
- Irvine, CA 92714
- Voice: (714) 253-0440
- FAX: (714) 253-0429
- Gamma Software (APCAL)
- P.O. Box 8191 [2/93]
- Fort Collins, CO 80526
- Voice: (800) 747-9960
- (303) 490-2928
- H&G Software (Explosiv)
- P.O. Box #3013 [3/94]
- Vancouver, B.C. Canada
- V6B 3X5
- Husky Computer Limited (Husky Hunter 16 BIOS)
- Eden Road [9/91]
- Walsgrave Triangle Business Park
- Coventry CV2 2TB
- England
- Voice: +44 203 604040
- FAX: +44 203 603060
- Information Modes ($25 Network)
- P.O. Drawer F
- Denton, TX 76202
- Voice: (817) 387-3339
- Innovative Data Concepts, Inc. (SWAP?? utilities, TesSeRact library)
- 122 North York Road
- Suite 5
- Hatboro, PA 19040
- Voice: (215) 443-9705
- Orders: (800) 926-4551
- FAX: (215) 443-9753
- Inset Systems (Inset)
- 71 Commerce Drive [may be outdated]
- Brookfield, CT 06804
- inset.com
- Eric Isaacson Software (ZIPKEY)
- 416 East University Ave.
- Bloomington, IN 47401-4739
- Voice: (812) 339-1811
- Isogon Corporation (NewSpace)
- 330 Seventh Avenue
- New York, NY 10001
- Voice: (212) 967-2424
- Jorj Software Co. (JORJ)
- 4354 Fletcher Rd. [5/91]
- Manchester MI 48158
- JP Software (4DOS)
- P.O. Box 1470
- E. Arlington, MA 02174
- Voice: (617) 646-3975
- Robert Juhasz (XFS)
- Auf der Suehle 14 [4/94]
- 33102 Paderborn
- Germany
- FAX: +49 5251 55764
- Email: robertj@lwfws1.uni-paderborn.de
- CIS: 100045,2433
- KANSYS, Inc. (AutoBraille)
- 1016 Ohio [12/91]
- Lawrence, KS 66044
- Voice: (800) 279-4880
- (913) 843-0351
- Key Software Products (The Last Byte)
- 440 Ninth Avenue
- Menlo Park, CA 94025
- Voice: (415) 364-9847 [8am-6pm PST]
- BBS: (415) 364-9847 [7pm-8am PST]
- Lanera Corporation (TCPOpen)
- 516 Valley Way [8/93]
- Milpitas, CA 95035
- Voice: (408) 956-8344
- FAX: (408) 956-8343
- Lassen Software, Inc. (Trusted Access)
- 5923 Clark Rd, Suite F [4/93]
- P.O. Box 2319
- Paradise, CA 95967-2319
- Voice: (305) 445-6304
- Microsystems Software, Inc. (MAGic)
- 600 Worcester Road
- Framingham, MA 01701
- Voice: (508) 626-8511
- FAX: (508) 626-8515
- BBS: (508) 875-8009
- MicroTalk (ASAP)
- 337 S. Peterson
- Louisville, KY 40206
- Voice: (502) 897-2705
- BBS: (502) 893-2269
- Celso Minnitti, Jr. (INTMON)
- 139 Linden St
- Wellesley, MA 02181
- John Newlin
- New-Ware (SCOUT)
- 8050 Camino Kiosco
- San Diego, CA 92122
- Alexandr Novy & Petr Horak (REDVIEW)
- Technical University of Prague [2/92]
- Faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering
- Prague, Czechoslovakia
- Nu-Mega Technologies, Inc. (Soft-ICE)
- P.O. Box 7780 [8/92]
- Nashua, NH 03060-7780
- Voice: (603) 889-2386
- FAX: (603) 889-1135
- Offe Enterprises (VUIMAGE)
- 1163 E. Ogden Ave. #705-131
- Naperville, IL 60563
- Voice: (708) 357-6679
- Ontrack Computer Systems (Disk Manager, SWBIOS, Drive Rocket)
- 6321 Bury Drive [10/93]
- Minneapolis, MN 55346
- Voice: (800) 752-1333
- (612( 937-1107
- P2 Enterprises (Phantom of the Keyboard)
- P.O. Box 25 [5/91]
- Ben Lomond, CA 95005
- PC-Kwik Corporation (Super PC-Kwik, PowerPak, PCKSPL, PCKSCRN,...)
- 15100 SW Koll Parkway [6/93]
- Beaverton, OR 97006-6026
- Voice: (503) 644-5644
- FAX: (503) 646-8267
- PC Thuis BV (PC Thuis Power magazine)
- Spaarne 55
- The Netherlands
- Voice: 023 - 366814
- Personics Corporation (UltraVision)
- 63 Great Road
- Maynard, MA 01754
- P.R. Glassel and Associates, Inc. (QUICKCACHE II)
- 30255 Fir Trail [1/90]
- Stacy, MN 55079
- Voice: (619) 462-1337
- Progressive Solutions (Back&Forth)
- Sandi and Shane Stump
- Box 276125
- San Antonio, TX 78227
- Voice: (800) 833 4400
- (512) 670 0882
- BBS: (512) 670 1809
- RSE, Inc. (Nabbit)
- 1157 57th Drive SE [1/93]
- Auburn, WA 98002
- Voice: (206) 939-4105
- FAX: (206) 989-4105
- SeaSide Software (FastJuice)
- 312 W. 6th Street, Suite 108 [1990]
- Corona, CA 91720
- Shamrock Software (EMAIL, NET.24)
- Muenchner Strasse 26a
- W-8067 Petershausen
- Germany
- BBS: +49 89-307 2079
- SitBack Technologies, Inc. (SitBack)
- 9290 Bond, Suite 210 [8/90]
- Overland Park, KS 66214
- Voice: (913) 894-0808
- Soft Warehouse, Inc. (HERCULES.COM)
- 3615 Harding Avenue [11/88]
- Suite 505
- Honolulu, HI 96816
- Softlogic Solutions, Inc. (DoubleDOS,Cubit,Software Carousel)
- One Perimeter Road
- Manchester, NH 03103
- Software Concepts Design (FLU_SHOT)
- 594 Third Avenue
- New York, NY 10016
- BBS: (212) 889-6438
- The Software Link, Inc. (PC-MOS/386)
- 5575B Chamblee-Dunwoody Road, suite 205 [7/93]
- Atlanta, GA 30338
- Voice: (404) 512-0705
- BBS: (404) 512-0643
- FAX: (404) 512-7005
- Spirit of Performance, Inc. (ASPIHOOK)
- Harvard, MA
- STSC, Inc. (APL*Plus/PC)
- 2115 E. Jefferson St. [3/93]
- Rockville, MD 20852-9950
- Voice: (301) 984-5123 (MD)
- (800) 592-0050 Ext 900
- (301) 984-5412 (international)
- FAX: (301) 984-5094
- Telex: 898-085 (may be outdated)
- TapirSoft (TEXTCAP 2.0)
- Gisbert W. Selke [12/91]
- Ermekeilstr. 28
- W-5300 Bonn 1
- Germany
- Ted Gruber Software (FGDRIVER)
- P.O. Box 13408
- Las Vegas, NV 89112
- Voice: (702) 735-1980
- BBS: (702) 796-7134
- FAX: (702) 735-4603
- George A. Theall (RECALL)
- TifaWARE
- 506 South 41st St., #3M
- Philadelphia, PA 19104
- Voice: (215) 662-0558
- THEOS Software Corporation (Theos operating system)
- 1777 Botelho Drive [10/96]
- Walnut Creek, CA 94596-5022
- Voice: (510) 935-1118
- David G. Thomas (TAME)
- c/o PowerSoft
- P.O. Box 956338
- Duluth, GA 30136
- Tseng Labs
- 10 Pheasant Run
- Newtown, PA 18940
- Vertisoft Systems, Inc. (Double Disk,NOW!)
- 153 B Grace Drive
- Easley, SC 29640
- Vadim V. Vlasov (COMBI-disk)
- Inst. for Nuclear Research of Russian Acad. Sci. [5/93]
- 60th October Anniversary prospect, 7a
- 117312 Moscow, Russia
- Voice: 7-095-133-6533
- Thomas Wagner (CTask)
- Ferrari electronic GmbH
- Beusselstrasse 27
- 1000 Berlin 21
- Germany
- Voice: +49 30-396 50 21
- FAX: +49 30-396 80 20
- Ross Neilson Wentworth (RAID)
- Serendipity Software [as of 11/88]
- 1422 Elkgrove Circle, #3
- Venice, CA 90291
- ZSoft Corporation (FRIEZE)
- 450 Franklin Rd. Suite 100
- Marietta, GA 30067
- Voice: (404) 428-0008
- --------!---TRADEMARKS-----------------------
- To keep the lawyers happy:
- ArtiCom is a registered trademark of Artisoft, Inc.
- ASAP is a trademark of MicroTalk.
- Banyan is a registered trademark of Banyan Systems, Inc.
- Compaq is a registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corp.
- Corona and Cordata are trademarks of Cordata Computer
- DESQview, DESQview/X, QEMM-386, and QRAM are trademarks of Quarterdeck Office
- Systems
- HALO'88 is a trademark of Media Cybernetics.
- Hayes is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products Inc.
- IBM, PC, PCjr, PC/XT, PC/AT, XT/286, PS/2, TopView, OS/2 are trademarks of
- IBM Corp.
- Logitech is a trademark of Logitech, Inc.
- Microsoft, MS, MS DOS, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft
- Windows 95 are trademarks/registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
- Mouse Systems is a trademark of Mouse Systems Corp.
- NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell Development Corp.
- PC Tools is a trademark of Central Point Software, Inc.
- StreetTalk, VINES, and Banyan Network Server are trademarks of Banyan Systems,
- Inc.
- Tandy 1000 is a registered trademark of Tandy Corp.
- TaskView and OmniView are trademarks of Sunny Hill Software
- 10NET is a registered trademark of Tiara Computer Systems, Inc.
- TesSeRact is a trademark of the TesSeRact Development Team.
- Turbo C and Turbo Pascal are registered trademarks of Borland International
- 286/DOS-Extender and 386/DOS-Extender are trademarks of Phar Lap Software, Inc.
- Carbon Copy Plus is a trademark of Meridian Technology, Inc.
- GIF is a trademark of Compuserve, Inc.
- VUIMAGE is a trademark of Offe Enterprises.
- Soft-ICE is a trademark of Nu-Mega Technologies.
- MAGic is a trademark of Microsystems Software, Inc.
- LANtastic is a trademark of Artisoft, Inc.
- HRAM is a trademark of Biologic.
- ImageCapture is a trademark of International Computers.
- FlashTek, X-32, and X-32VM are trademarks fo FlashTek, Inc.
- SK-UPPS is a trademark of Schneider & Koch GmbH
- SK-PASSPORT is a trademark of SysKonnect, Inc.
- PostScript is a trademark of Adobe, Inc.
- SpaceManager is a trademark of Vertisoft Systems, Inc.
- Husky, Hunter, Hunter 16, Hawk, 8/16, Sidebox and Oracle GT are trademarks
- of Husky Computers Limited.
- COMM-DRV is a trademark of Willies' Computer Software Company.
- Various other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
- holders, and are used solely for identification
- --------!---QUOTES---------------------------
- What they're saying about this list:
- "A cornucopia of descriptions of interrupt and function calls on the
- IBM PC. A great thing to have on your hard disk if you don't have
- a Ray Duncan or Peter Norton book handy."
- _Turbo_Technix_, July/August 1988, p. 157.
- [and that was about the 1/30/88 version, which was a mere 150K....]
- "An enormous listing of DOS and BIOS interrupt calls, many undocumented
- and program-specific. Quite simply, some of Snooper's reports wouldn't
- be there without it. Very useful in that it reports bugs and
- incompatibilities books rarely mention. And it's free!"
- John P. Vias, SNOOPER.DOC v1.07 (Snooper is a shareware system
- information program).
- "Ralf Brown maintains an astounding file which is chock-full of
- detailed, absolutely-indispensable information for DOS programmers on
- Hardware, BIOS, DOS, and other interrupts. .... You should not be
- without this file, which is widely-known as "Ralf Brown's Interrupt
- List". Ask about it. You will find it."
- Robert Curtis Davis, TBONES07.DOC.
- "It's the finest mess 'o Purina Geek Chow that I've seen in a coon's age."
- --Ethan Dicks
- --------!---CONTACT_INFO---------------------
- If you know of any information not in the list, or which is stated incorrectly,
- please let me know! This list would be a pale shadow of its current self if it
- weren't for everybody's input.
- Software developers are encouraged to check the list before assigning
- interrupts, and to provide me with a list of interrupt calls used (to help
- prevent future interrupt conflicts).
- Ralf Brown
- Address e-mail to:
- Internet: ralf@pobox.com (currently forwards to ralf@telerama.lm.com)
- FIDO: Ralf Brown 1:129/26.1
- Snail mail:
- Ralf Brown
- 813 Copeland Way, Suite 26
- Pittsburgh, PA 15232-2217
- (Letters which enclose a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope [or self-
- addressed envelope and international return coupon] or e-mail
- address will be given priority. This address will remain valid
- until at least November 1, 1999.)
- Visit my home page! http://www.pobox.com/~ralf
- I reply to all e-mail submissions. If you do not receive a reply within
- a reasonable time, send your message again, giving a better return path
- (a surprising number of mailers do not insert a correct From: address!)